On the 07 December 2022, the Board together with Itsoseng SAPS conducted an operation which was aimed at suppressing illegal gambling activities which are currently on the rise and offered to children in tuckshops across the Province. Seven (7) tuckshops were visited and nine (9) bingo roulette/cherry master machines were confiscated upon which the owners of the tuckshops were issued with fines of R1500.00 for possession of gambling equipment without the authorization of the Board as required in law. Possession of any form of gambling equipment and or offering of gambling with the authorization of the Board or a license is an offence in terms of section 82 of the North West Gambling Act, 2001 (Act No.2 of 2001) as amended.
Board encourages the members of the public to report any illegal gambling activities on the Board’s tollfree number: 0860 545 545.